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Universität Osnabrück
Institut für Geographie &
Institut für Umweltsystemforschung

Seminarstraße 19 a/b
49076 Osnabrück

Raum 02/310
Tel: +49 (0)541-969-6427

Dr. Philipp Gorris


My work is focused on regional development, environmental governance and sustainability transformations. I currently study approaches to biodiversity conservation, cross-sectoral regional planning and environmental policy implementation. Moreover, I am interested in factors that increase the capacity of small-scale natural resource dependent businesses to deal with environmental change. I use different empirical research methods with a focus on network analysis and modeling.

Key topics: Collaboration, Collective Action, Environmental Governance, Livelihood Resilience, Protected Areas & Spatial Planning, Research Methods, Social & Political Networks, Sustainable Development

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Current Projects:

Protecting Livelihoods and Biodiversity in Costa Rica, funded by the DAAD, duration: 2021-2024.

iSeal - Trans- and Interdisciplinary Social-Ecological Network Analysis based on Long-Term Monitoring, Experiments and Stakeholders‘ Assessment, funded by the BMBF & DAM, duration: 2021 - 2024.

InterRest - Interactive effects of local and landscape-scale restoration of semi-natural grasslands and agricultural fields on species interactions and ecosystem functions in different social ecological systems, funded by BiodivERsA & Water JPI, duration: 2022-2025, work carried out at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University.



with peer-review

Gorris, P. & Koch, L. (2024). Building trust in environmental co-management: Social embeddedness in a contested German biodiversity conservation governance process. Environmental Science & Policy 154:103695. [open access]

Kriegl, M., Kochalski, S., Straka, T. M., Gorris, P., Schlüter, A., & Kluger, L. C. (2024). Our blue Planet: Connecting Humans and the Ocean. Frontiers for Young Minds. 12:1076771. [Science for kids - open access]

Gorris, P., Wilke, D. & Halbe, J. (2023). Transformative research and capacity building in the education sector to protect livelihoods and biodiversity in Costa Rica. Revista Arjé 6(2):1-17. [open access]

Koch, L., Gorris, P., Prell, C. & Pahl-Wostl, C. (2023). Communication, trust and leadership in co-managing biodiversity: A network analysis to understand social drivers shaping a common narrative. Journal of Environmental Management 336:117551.

Glaser, M. & Gorris, P. (2023). Decentralization and participation in integrated coastal management: Policy lessons from Brazil and Indonesia. In Coastal Management Revisited - Navigating towards Sustainable Human-Nature Relations (Eds. B. Glaeser & M. Glaser), Cambridge, pp. 171-183.

Kriegl, M.,Gorris, P., Kluger, L., & Kochalski, S. (2022). Livelihood resilience to sudden environmental change: The role of social capital in a Peruvian bay system. Regional Environmental Change 22(3):103. [open access: here]

Glaser, M., Adrianto, L. , Breckwoldt, A., Buhari, N. Deswandi, R. , Ferse, S., Gorris, P., Husain Paragay, S., Glaeser, B., Mohammad, N. Schwerdtner-Máñez, K., & Yanuarita, D. (2022). The Governance of Coastal and Marine Social-Ecological Systems: Indonesia and Beyond, in Science for Protecting Indonesia’s Coastal and Marine Social-Ecological Systems (Eds. T. Jennerjahn, H. Reuter), pp. 407-443, Amsterdam/Oxford/ New York: Elsevier.

Koch, L., Gorris, P. & Pahl-Wostl, C. (2021). Narratives, narrations and social structure in environmental governance. Global Environmental Change 69:102317.

Pahl-Wostl, C., Gorris, P., Jager, N., Koch, L., Lebel, L., Stein, C., Venghaus, S. & Withanachchi, S. (2021). Scale-related governance challenges in the water–energy–food nexus: toward a diagnostic approach. Sustainability Science 16:615-629.

Gorris, P. & Glaser, M. (2020). Information transmission capacity and robustness of natural resource governance networks in Brazil and Indonesia: A comparative analysis. Human Ecology Review 26(2):85-102. [open access: here]

Kluger, L., Gorris, P., Kochalski, S., Müller, M. & Romagnoni, G. (2020). Studying human-nature relationships through a network lens: A systematic review. People and Nature 2:1100-1116. [open access: here]

Gorris, P., Glaser, M., Idrus, R. & Yusuf, A.M. (2019). The role of social structure for governing natural resources in decentralized systems: Insights from governing a fishery in Indonesia. Public Administration 97(3):654-670.

Gorris, P. (2019). Mind the gap between aspiration and practice in co-managing marine protected areas: A case study from Negros Occidental, Philippines. Marine Policy 105:12–19.

Glaser, M., Gorris, P., Ferreira, P.B. & Breckwoldt, A. (2018). Analysing Ecosystem User Perceptions of the Governance Interactions Surrounding a Brazilian Near Shore Coral Reef. Sustainability 10(5):1464. [open access: here]

Gerhardinger, L.C., Gorris, P., Gonçalves, L.R. Herbst, D.F., Vila-Nova, D.A., De Carvalho, F.G., Glaser, M., Zondervan, R. & Glavovic, B. (2018). Healing Brazil's Blue Amazon: The role of knowledge networks in nurturing cross-scale transformations at the frontlines of ocean sustainability. Frontiers in Marine Science - Marine Affairs and Policy 4:395. [open access: here]

Glaeser, B., Ferse, S. & Gorris, P. (2017). Fisheries in Indonesia between livelihoods and environmental degradation: Coping strategies in the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi. In Global Change in Marine Systems: Societal and Governing Responses (Eds.: Guillotreau, P., Bundy, A., Perry, I. R.), Oxon/New York, pp. 67-82.

Gorris, P. (2016). Deconstructing the Reality of Community-Based Management of Marine Resources in a Small Island Context in Indonesia. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:120. [open access: here]

Kluger, L., Kochalski, S.,Müller, M.S., Gorris, P., & Romagnoni, G. (2015). Towards a holistic analysis of social-ecological systems (SES) in the marine realm. In Proceedings of the YOUMARES 6 Conference – A journey into the blue: Ocean research and innovation, 16-18. Sept. 2015 (Eds.: C. Jessen, S. Kalita & V. Golz), Bremen, Germany, pp. 107-122.
[open access: here]

Ferrol-Schulte, D., Gorris, P., Baitoningsih, W., & Ferse, S. (2015). Coastal livelihood vulnerability to marine resource degradation: A review of the Indonesian national coastal and marine policy framework. Marine Policy 52:163–171.

Wever, L., Glaser, M., Gorris, P., & Ferrol-Schulte, D. (2012). Decentralization and participation in integrated coastal management: Policy lessons from Brazil and Indonesia. Ocean & Coastal Management 66:63–72.


without peer-review

Kriegl, M., Gorris, P., Kluger, L., & Kochalski, S. (2021). Critical ties: The importance of social networks in times of environmental crises. easy_social_science, 66:57-67. (also available in German & Spanish)

Gorris, P. & Javaid, A. (2017). Fischen mit Gift und Dynamit - Ursachen und Lösungen. In Technologie-Information - Wissen und Innovation aus niedersächsischen Hochschulen (Leibniz-Universität Hannover, Hrsg.), Themenschwerpunkt: Wasser und Meer 3/2017, S. 21.

PainelMar. (2016). Painel Brasileiro para o Futuro do Oceano PainelMar. Brasilia. [online: here]

Gorris, P. (2015). Community-based management for sustainable fishing or organizing the battle over the remaining resources? Analysis of an island’s micro cosmos in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Paper presented at the workshop on environmental governance approaches in the local context: Evidence from Indonesia, 7-8 September 2015, Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen. [online: here]

Glaeser B., Ferse S. & Gorris P. (2013). Case study Indonesia. Spermonde Archipelago: Island development & livelihoods. Report for ADApT. IMBER HDWG: Version 2013-05-17.

Gorris, P. (2012). Aspiration and reality in participatory management of marine protected areas: A case study in Negros Occidental, Philippines. In Proceedings of the ISEE 2012 Conference - Ecological Economics and Rio+20: Challenges and Contributions for a Green Economy, 16-19. June 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


PhD thesis:

Gorris, P. (2015). Entangled? Linking governance systems for regional-scale coral reef management: Analysis of case studies in Brazil and Indonesia, Bremen. [online: here]