
Research Seminar Systems Science
Summer Semester 2016
The Research Seminar takes place on Tuesdays from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM in room 66/E01.
Date | Presenter | Title | Target audience * |
05.04.2016 | Dr. Caroline van BersProf. Dr. Dale RothmanDr. Kathrin Knüppe | How to present to an interdisciplinary audience? | USF |
12.04.2016 | Dr. Geeske Scholz | Agent-based gaming: useful for teaching? | USF |
14.04.2016 16:15 Uhr |
Michael Bengfort | The influence of spatially heterogeneous mixing on the spatiotemporal dynamics of planktonic systems. (Disputation) | USF |
19.04.2016 | Anthony SunUniversity of Rennes | Modelling the ecology of a plant infection in discrete time. | ASW/TSW |
20.04.2016 14:15 Uhr |
Frank MasurowskiUFZ Leipzig | Eine deutschlandweite Potenzialanalyse für die Onshore-Windenergie mittels GIS einschliesslich der Bewertung von Siedlungsdistanzänderungen. (Disputation) | USF |
26.04.2016 | Christine WolfUFZ Leipzig | How much less is stringent enough? A proposal to determine the highest ecological status possible according to Art. 4.5 Water Framework Directive. | REM/BEE |
03.05.2016 | Dr. Aneeque Javaid | Time preferences and natural resource extraction behavior – Insights from economic experiments and agent-based modelling. | REM/BEE |
17.05.2016 | Cecilia BerardoUniversity of Torino | Mathematical models of consumption rates with prey cooperation and predator learning. | ASW/TSW |
24.05.2016 | Dr. Birgit MüllerDr. Felix JohnUFZ Leipzig | The economic and ecological effects of microinsurance for East African pastoralists. | USF |
31.05.2016 | Fabian Thomas | Greening the CAP - Experimental insights. | BEE/REM |
07.06.2016 | Dr. Kathrin Knüppe | Drivers and barriers towards sustainable water and land management in the Olifants-Doorn Water Management Area, South Africa. | REM/BEE |
14.06.2016 | Fabian Heitmann | SoS and Nexus! Conceptualizing the WEF-Nexus with the System of Systems approach. | USF |
21.06.2016 | Hannes Thomsen | Modeling the influence of social networks in a local common pool resource dilemma. | USF |
28.06.2016 | Dr. Ann - Kathrin Kößler | Commitment to the public good - and the commons. | USF |
05.07.2016 | Henning NolzenUFZ Leipzig | Modelling of newly emerging energy landscapes. | USF |
23.08.2016 | Dr. Olesya Yakovchuk | Modeling magnetospheric particle ionization during substorm activity. | EnvP/ASW/TSW |
30.08.2016 | Samuel Tresp | Mathematische Modellierung und Computersimulation des Einflusses variabler Bewässerung auf Vegetationsstrukturen in semi-ariden Gebieten. (MSc Thesis) | ASW/TSW |
28.09.2016 | Martina Iulia Bulai, MScUniversity of Torino | Competing for resources in the presence of infection: Mathematical models of foraging interference and disease transmission. | ASW/TSW room 66/101 |
28.09.2016 14:15 Uhr |
Jule Schulze, MScUFZ Leipzig | Social-ecological modeling for policy analysis in transformative land systems - Supporting evaluation and communication for sustainability. (Disputation) | USF room 66/101 |
* Target audiences
USF | general seminar for all members of the Institute |
specific seminars | |
ASW | Applied Systems Science |
EcoM | Ecological Modelling |
BEE | Behavioral and Environmental Economics |
EnvP | Environmental Physics |
PUM | Projects in Environmental Systems Modelling |
REM | Resources Management |
TSW | Theoretical Systems Science |