
Research Seminar Systems Science
Summer Semester 2018
The Research Seminar takes place on Tuesdays between 10:15 AM and 11:45 PM.
Guidelines for Presenters
Date | Time | Presenter | Title | Room | Target audience * |
Presentations Analysis and Modelling of Environmental Systems | 35/E16 | USF | |||
04.04.2018 | 09:00am | Anna CordUFZ Leipzig | Understanding and modeling the relationships between land use, biodiversity and ecosystem services. | ||
09:30am | Modellierung von Räuber-Beute-Beziehungen – illustriert am Beispiel des Rosenzweig-MacArthur-Modells. | ||||
11:00am | Britta TietjenFU Berlin | Towards a process-based understanding of vegetation responses to global change. | |||
11:30am | Ressourcenlimitierung bei Räuber-Beute-Modellen - Erkenntnisse aus dem Rosenzweig-MacArthur Modell. | ||||
02:00pm | Christiane ZarflUniversität Tübingen | Anthropogenic pressures on freshwaters – Providing insights on processes, predicting potential impacts and proposing solutions. | |||
02:30pm | Modelle zu Wechselwirkungen (Teil 3): Der dynamische Räuber an der Hopfbifurkation. | ||||
04:00pm | Reik DonnerPotsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung | Complex networks in earth sciences – turning a modeling paradigm into a data analysis tool. | |||
04:30pm | Das Rosenzweig-MacArthur-Modell. | ||||
05.04.2018 | 09:00am | Arndt TelschowUniversität Osnabrück | Detecting causality and anticipating critical transitions in complex (socio-)ecological networks. | ||
09:30am | Das Rosenzweig-MacArthur Modell und das Paradox der Anreicherung. | ||||
11:00am | Thilo GrossUniversität Bristol (GB) | Stability of the mammalian food web of ancient egypt. | |||
11:30am | The Rosenzweig-MacArthur model. | ||||
17.04.2018 | 10:15am | Oskar Kärcher | Current work. | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW |
24.04.2018 | 10:15am | Fabian Heitmann | Environmental System of Systems Engineering for integrated Nexus design. | 66/E01 | USF |
10:45am | J. Felipe Ortiz - Riomalo | (How) does participatory interventions enhance prosocial behaviour and collective action for environmental and natural resources management? A behavioural and experimental approach. | 66/E01 | USF | |
11:15am | Philipp Gorris | tba. | 66/E01 | USF | |
Thu 26.04.2018 | 10:00am-11:00am | Revision of degree programmes | 66/E01 | USF | |
15.05.2018 | 10:15am | Irina Vortkamp | Modelling dynamic agricultural landscapes: Ecological and economical impacts of conservation management | 66/E01 | USF |
17.05.2018 | 01:30pm-06:00pm | Workshop mit OeSA/UFZ | 66/E01 | ASW/TSW | |
22.05.2018 | 10:15am | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Meike Wittmann University of Bielefeld |
Modeling the maintenance of diversity in ecology and evolution | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW |
29.05.2018 | Hochschulinformationstag | ||||
05.06.2018 | 10:15am | Caroline Lumosi | ‘We are forced to cooperate’: Navigating trust, power, conflicts and group identities in trans-boundary river basin cooperation processes in the Zambezi basin. | 66/E01 | REM/BEE |
05.06.2018 | 10:15am | Clément Aldebert Aix-Marseille Université, France |
When a small decision switches your whole life: structural sensitivity or the unexpected bifurcations that alter your predictions. | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW |
05.06.2018 | 4:15pm | Stefanie Engel, Andrea Lenschow | Governance-Instrumente in ausgewählten Umweltproblemfeldern (part of the lecture series on human-environment networks) |
93/E07 | MUN |
12.06.2018 | 6:15pm | Gabriele Broll | Forschung zum Thema Mensch und Umwelt in der Agrarökologie und Bodenforschung (part of the lecture series on human-environment networks) |
41/112 | MUN |
ca. 6:45pm | Frank Hilker | Kipp-Punkte in sozial-ökologischen Systemen: Verständnis und Vorhersage (part of the lecture series on human-environment networks) |
41/112 | MUN | |
19.06.2018 | 10:15am | Saskia Osterkamp | Harvest timing in semi-discrete population models | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW |
03.07.2018 | 10:15am | Anthony Sun | Peer-review process for journal publications | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW |
03.07.2018 | 11:00am | Prof. Dr. Ali Yousefi Isfahan University of Technology, Iran |
Analysing the Water Governance System of the Zayandeh-Rood Basin | 66/E01 | REM/BEE |
10.07.2018 | 10:15am | Juan Segura UNED Madrid |
Controlling populations with combined adaptive limiters | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW |
Wed 08.08.2018 | 11:15am | Professor Christopher Kribs University of Texas at Arlington |
Competition and co-persistence in multistrain transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW |
Wed 29.08.2018 | 2:15pm | Professor Julien Arino University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada |
Number of source patches required for population persistence in a source-sink metapopulation with explicit movement | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW |
* Target audiences
USF | General seminar for all members of the Institute |
Specific seminars | |
ASW | Applied Systems Science |
EcoM | Ecological Modelling |
BEE | Behavioral and Environmental Economics |
NumP | Numerical Physics: Modelling |
PEM | Projects in Environmental Systems Modelling |
REM | Resources Management |
TSW | Theoretical Systems Science |