
Research Seminar Systems Science
Summer Semester 2019
The Research Seminar takes place on Tuesdays between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM.
Guidelines for Presenters
Date | Time | Presenter | Title | Room | Target audience * |
05.02.2019 | Round-table research update. | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP | ||
12.02.2019 | Round-table literature update. | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP | ||
19.02.2019 | 10:15am | Anthony Sun | Current research | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
26.02.2019 | 10:15am | Gunnar Niebaum | Current research | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
05.03.2019 | 10:15am | Jörg Klasmeier | How to give a talk | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
12.03.2019 | 10:15am | Round-table research update | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP | |
19.03.2019 | 10:15am | Matthew Adamson | How to make the most out of conferences | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
26.03.2019 | 10:15am | Laura Herzog | Cooperation in a common-pool resource problem setting: the case of micro-pollutant regulation in the Rhine basin. | 66/E01 | USF |
02.04.2019 | 10:15am | All lab members | How to write a PhD elevator pitch | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
09.04.2019 | 10:15am | Volker Lämmchen | How to design a poster | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
Wed 10.04.2019 | 11:00am | Prof. Dr. Marcos MarváUniversidad de Alacalá (Spain), Dept. of Physics and Mathematics | Discrete models of disease and competition | 66/E01 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
16.04.2019 | 10:15am | Jörg Klasmeier | Overview of research on plastics | 66/E01 | USF |
23.04.2019 | 10:15am | Merlin Köhnke | The necessity of tailored control of irrupting pest populations driven by pulsed resources | 66/E01 | USF |
30.04.2019 | 10:15am | Adriana Bernal Escobar | Exploring the effectiveness of economic incentives to promote environmental conservation under the light of equity perceptions: Evidence from field experiments in Colombia | 66/E01 | USF |
07.05.2019 | 9:00am | Irina Vortkamp | Practice talk | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
Anthony Sun | Practice talk | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP | ||
14.05.2019 | 10:15am | Gunnar Niebaum | Practice talk | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
Ann-Katrin Reuwer | Poster | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP | ||
Volker Lämmchen | Poster | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP | ||
11.06.2019 | 10:15am | Juan SeguraDepartament d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, and Departamento de Matematica Aplicada, UNED, Madrid (Spain) | Mathematical models of coexisting consumers in discrete time | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
25.06.2019 | 10:15am | Irina Vortkamp | Transient dynamics: an overview | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
16.07.2019 | 10:15am | Johannes WernerBiological Sciences, University of Cologne | Dynamics of the chemostat | 66/E16 | ASW/TSW/NumP |
* Target audiences
USF | General seminar for all members of the Institute |
Specific seminars | |
ASW | Applied Systems Science |
EcoM | Ecological Modelling |
BEE | Behavioral and Environmental Economics |
NumP | Numerical Physics: Modelling |
PEM | Projects in Environmental Systems Modelling |
REM | Resources Management |
TSW | Theoretical Systems Science |