
This is the joint group meeting of the research groups in Applied and Theoretical Systems Science. We discuss new results, bounce off new ideas, practice talks, and do journals clubs - just to mention a few of our activities.
We are always happy to host guests and visitors. If you're interested or would like get involved, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Frank M. Hilker (Applied Systems Science) & Horst Malchow (Theoretical Systems Science)
Archive: Previous research groups meetings
Summer Semester 2017
Date | Time | Presenter | Title | Room | Note |
04.04.2017 | 11:00am | Prof. Dr. Arndt TelschowUniversität Münster | Disease outbreaks and critical transitions in complex (socio-)ecological systems. | 66/E01 | USF |
01:30pm | Joachim Ulrich KleinmannMSc GeoecologyUFZ Leipzig | Plant-fungus interactions and their implications for nutrient cycling and biomass growth: Insights from modelling arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a heterogeneous environment. (Disputation) | 66/101 | USF | |
03:00pm | Gunnar DreßlerDipl. Biomath.UFZ Leipzig | Analyzing resource use decisions under global change by agent-based modeling. (Disputation) | 66/101 | USF | |
05.04.2017 | 10:00am | Mateus Dantas de PaulaMSc Plant EcologyUFZ Leipzig | Forest fragmentation in space and time – new perspectives from forest modelling and remote sensing. (Disputation) | 66/101 | USF |
02.05.2017 | 11:00am | Simone Ossani, MSc Maths.UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil | A bit about prey-predator systems and synchronized metapopulations. | 66/E01 | |
10.05.2017 | 04:00pm | Dr. Alessandro TavoniGrantham Research Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science | Tipping Points and Loss Aversion in International Environmental Agreements. | 66/E01 | USF |