
This is the joint group meeting of the research groups in Applied and Theoretical Systems Science. We discuss new results, bounce off new ideas, practice talks, and do journals clubs - just to mention a few of our activities.
We are always happy to host guests and visitors. If you're interested or would like get involved, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Frank M. Hilker (Applied Systems Science) & Horst Malchow (Theoretical Systems Science)
Archive: Previous research groups meetings
Winter Semester 2016/17
Date | Time | Presenter | Title | Room | Note |
23.08.2016 | 11:00am | Dr. Olesya Yakovchuk | Modeling magnetospheric particle ionization during substorm activity. | 66/E01 | |
30.08.2016 | 11:00am | Samuel Tresp, BSc | Mathematische Modellierung und Computersimulation des Einflusses variabler Bewässerung auf Vegetationsstrukturen in semi-ariden Gebieten. (MSc Thesis) | 66/E01 | |
28.09.2016 | 11:00am | Martina Iulia Bulai, MScUniversity of Torino | Competing for resources in the presence of infection: Mathematical models of foraging interference and disease transmission. | 66/101 | |
28.09.2016 | 02:15pm | Jule Schulze, MScUFZ Leipzig | Social-ecological modeling for policy analysis in transformative land systems - Supporting evaluation and communication for sustainability. (Disputation) | 66/101 | USF |
01.11.2016 | 11:00am | Adriana M. Bernal Escobar | Computational modelling as a potential complement for jaguar conservation and management in South America. | 66/E01 | |
15.11.2016 | 11:00am | Dr. Matthew Adamson | Anticipating critical transitions of chaotic attractors through boundary crises. | 66/E01 | |
22.11.2016 | 11:00am | Dr. Michael SieberMPI für Evolutionsbiologie, Plön | The microbes within us: multilevel selection for cooperation or just a random bunch of fierce competitors? | 66/E01 | |
29.11.2016 | 11:00am | Dr. Ivo SiekmannInst. for Mathematical StochasticsUniversity of Göttingen | Modular stochastic models: Single-molecule dynamics of biomolecules and individual-based modelling in population dynamics. | 66/E01 | |
13.12.2016 | 11:00am | Fabian Thomas, MSc | Behavioral economics of the agri-environment (PhD Proposal). | 66/E01 | USF |
10.01.2017 | 11:00am | Dr. Toni KlauschiesInst. of Biochemistry and BiologyUniversity of Potsdam | Trait adaptation promotes supersaturated coexistence in a multispecies predator-prey model. | 66/E01 | |
24.01.2017 | 11:00am | Fabian Thomas, MSc | Behavioral economics of the agri-environment (PhD Proposal). | 66/E01 | USF |
31.01.2017 | 11:00am | Dr. Steven LadeStockholm Resilience Centre | A stylised model of feedbacks between climate change and biodiversity loss. | 66/E01 | USF |